As I sit here in Indo, exactly 52 weeks ago at this time (8:45 PM) on a Monday night P's earthly life ended. As AB put it yesterday as we talked, the unimaginable happened. It's so special being in the country where he breathed his last breathe. It's still so hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that P is dead on earth and alive as more than ever in eternity with Christ.
It's just so hard to put into words all that I've experienced and all that's happened. We keep saying how surreal all of this is. God has met me in a powerful way these days. My heart is full from these experiences and from encountering him. Although it's a short time here in the country, it feels like a lot more.
This morning, AB and I were planning on going out to look around but I was feeling dizzy so I finally got some time to rest and process. This afternoon we took a van back to Bandung. That was a wild experience in how everyone drives on the highway. At one time there were three different vehicles trying to pass a slow moving truck on the turn of a mountain. I didn't get to car sick so that was great. Praise God we made it back safely.
I am now back with C. Tomorrow morning on the 16th, C and I will take AP out to the zoo so EP can have some time to go to the hospital with her friends. Then at 12:00 we will gather with a bigger group to remember P. We will eat together and possibly play tennis.
This trip has been perfect in so many ways. The people I've met that have shared stories about him, being there for the dedication of the prayer chapel, catching P's heart for the people here. It's motivated me to continue to press on in the Lord and the work we do.
Below our lots of pictures from the past few days. Thanks again for all the prayers. I will try and post one more time before leaving the country on Wednesday.
In front of the Prayer Chapel. It is 70 percent done.
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