Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Preparing for my Trip

On June 7th, I will be leaving for Indonesia to see where my brother lived for the past two years of his life. It's hard for me to believe that it's been almost a year since he passed. In some ways it feels like an eternity, and other times the year has gone really fast.

Ever since he passed, it's been a big desire of mine to go see where he lived. God has opened the doors and made it possible for me to go. I am going with a good friend of his that he met in Indo, that happens to be from Kansas. C was over there for two years about the same time and is going back for a summer trip. So we will travel over there together and he will be my guide in taking me to the various places.

Before I leave I will post my schedule.

Today I got my 2nd round of shots for the trip. I am going to get some vitamins to help boost my immune system as well.

Here our some prayer requests for my time.

1) Pray for safety and good health. Traffic is a lot different there and part of the time I will be riding on a motorcycle with C.
2) Pray I would make great connections with Friends of Phil over there. I will be able to meet a lot of different people that he knew. I am wanting to learn more about him and his time from them.
3) Pray for continued emotional healing as gain more closure by seeing all the sites, including the Hospital where he passed.
4) Pray for Angie and the kids while I am gone. Especially pray for Ethan as he is a little nervous about me going. He's worried that I could get sick. Pray Ethan would learn to trust God during this time.